Sliding scale

Unwind Learning is making this accessible with means based sliding scale enrollment and building a culture of trust with the honors system. Pay what you can, and pay it forward if you are able.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Heroine’s Journey: Reweaving the Social Fabric

    2. Reweaving the World: Lessons from Braiding Sweetgrass and the Heroine’s Journey

    3. Community Integration in Psychedelic Journeys through the Heroine’s Journey, the Circle of Well-being, and the Honorable Harvest

    1. Pre Zoom Meeting Discussion Forum

    2. Peacekeeping Circle Style Discussions

    3. The Heroine’s Journey | Feb 10, 2025 9:30 - 11:00am Pacific

    1. How did we do?

    2. Suggestions Box

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 11 lessons
  • Live Zoom discussion
  • Sliding scale pricing
  • Engage with community


"Suz Vera" Burroughs

M.Sc. Ed., BCMTB

Suz is the Managing Owner at Unwind Oakland, Unwind Learning, and Touch with Substance. Designed above-ground Ketamine-Assisted Massage Therapy and bodywork (KATM) in partnership with KAT and KAP providers as well as developed psychedelic/entheogenic preparation and integration bodywork methods. In 2023, published the first NCBTMB board approved continuing education course for massage therapists and bodyworkers on the topic of psychedelics and entheogens: Introduction to Psychedelic Conversations and the Massage Table (1 hour, Ethics). Completed core facilitator training at Sacred Garden in 2024. She is continuing with their Ordained Facilitator Training (in progress). Active participant in the process of crafting the details of California Senate Bill 1012. Suz stands for equitable access to services, a broad pool of facilitators, and the protection of sincere religious practice including indigenous autonomy. Teaches workshops such as Ethical Safety and Support Touch for Guides, Traditional Healers, Psychotherapists, and Witnesses in multiple languages and in cross-cultural groups. Working with Ethical Psychedelic International Community (EPIC) to seed public guidelines and resources on psychedelics and touch. Producing the upcoming Touch with Substance Conference (2024). When she’s not at the office, she’s enjoying time with her dog and exploring Oakland where she’s lived since 2003. More at